Real estate websites and apps: 1 visitor out of 10 intends to buy a property within a year

NetLetter November 2018

What audiences and usages exist online for real estate? Médiamétrie answered this question on October 3, 2018 at the Rent event dedicated to new technologies in real estate.

Some of the key figures to take away were: In France, 1 out of every 3 people views a real estate website or app each month. Although 57.9% of them use a mobile to go online, 2/3 of the total time spent viewing the Real Estate category is always on a computer. In contrast to the general trend, for real estate, the app is not king: on smartphones, 72% of the time spent on real estate brands is via their mobile sites.


In terms of profile, 36% of visitors to real estate websites and apps are upper SPC, whereas that category only forms 22% of the French population. In addition, of the internet users browsing real estate websites and apps, 10% intend to buy a property within a year and 7% intend to take out a mortgage loan in the next 6 months.

Source: Total Internet, France, Base: 2 years and over, June 2018 Copyright Médiamétrie and Médiamétrie//NetRatings

Contact: Louise Sevin, Research and Clientele Officer  -

Confidence interval calculus

Sample size or target in the sample

n =

Proportion observed in the sample or on a target in the sample

p =


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

Test of significance of the differences between two proportions

Used to assess whether the difference between 2 proportions is significant at the 95% threshold


Sample size

1st sample


2nd sample


Warning: only applies to a proportion. The Average Rate is an average of proportions and the Audience Share a ratio of proportions. This tool is provided for information purposes. It cannot be applied for professional purposes without further precautions.

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