23 Sep

FNCF Congress 2024

23 - 26 September 2024

The 79th congress of the Fédération Nationale des Cinémas Français will take place in Deauville at the end of September 2024.


On the program: previews, round tables and plenty of opportunities to discuss the current challenges facing the film industry.


Marine Boulanger, Director of Cinema & Entertainment, and Natasha Pauthier, Product Marketing and Research Manager at Médiamétrie, will be present at the event. 


To find out more, click here. 

26 Sep

Festival de l'Info Locale

26 - 27 September 2024

The Festival de l'Info Locale in Nantes is the perfect way to start the new media year!

Browse through the themes of the 2 days of conferences on local media.


Find out more about FIL 2024

03 Oct
Nous intervenons

RadioTour Montpellier

Nous intervenons

03 - 03 October 2024

Like every year, the RadioTour is back for another edition, criss-crossing the roads of France to deliver analyses of radio audiences.

Join Guy Detrousselle, Commercial Development Director, who will be speaking on the third date in Montpellier to analyse the radio audience in the Occitanie region.

See you at Mercure Centre Comédie! 

To find out more

09 Oct

egta - TV Marketing & Sales Meeting

09 - 10 October 2024

Disocver how to adapt your strategies for pricing, media data management and sponsored advertising content at the 2024 Marketing and Sales (M&S) Meeting organized by egta in Munich.


See you on October 9 and 10!


Find out more about the event

18 Oct


18 - 19 October 2024

With this new edition focusing on the creative use of new technologies, DMEXCO is once again a must-attend event for European media players.


Bertrand Krug, Digital & Press Director at Médiamétrie, will be present, don't hesitate to contact him for more information.


See you in Cologne in October! 


To learn more about DMEXCO